Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Sriracha Collects: Pay Your Dues

The Guy's exploits that we are following are unique. He is a Guy enjoying every moment, even if he finds it difficult.

One of his favorite ingredients in his culinary exploits is Sriracha, and I can understand why. I have witnessed such finesse as he adds a splash to enhance his chicken makhani or an enchilada sauce. But this self portrait came in a time of great struggle, the morning after an incredible Indian style dinner, including homemade naan bread. (Oh yes, the Guy treats his fellows well when the ingredients are provided.)

Oftentimes, I have heard this Guy complain of indigestion and heartburn. This portrait was preceded by complaints of a terribly fiery defecation. This fact should be apparent to the reader for two reasons. One, he is shirtless, which declares the act of pooping has increased his body temperature above normal. And two, the lack of a smile, which his other poo portraits have been accompanied by. He is clearly not enjoying this one.

If given the opportunity, his every meal would have a fair amount of fire. He has even told me that a hot 'n spicy breakfast enhances the aromas and flavors of his morning coffee. (I personally believe that is just another excuse but you must judge that, I am not a coffee drinker.) I have told him that his obligation for spicy food sources his daily discomfort but he brushes that aside quicker than he'll add jalapenos to scrambled eggs.

It seems simple, what I'm trying to say. Moderation works, always. As well as the mustache without the beard.

Dedicated to the Guy's stomach.

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