Monday, February 29, 2016

Finishing Guy

Didn't Win

Here we find a guy completing the race. It seems he did not win but his posture and flowing mane reveal the determination in this guy and his true priority. He struggles to improve his personal record, for that is the true measure of Guy. His grimace is not in defeat; it is an expression of relief knowing he has passed another trial; it is disappointment because he knows more could've been done; it is knowledge of the struggle which comes next. Inch towards refinement. Sculpting each minutiae will allow you to present your best, to strive for greatness.

A final thought: Be not consumed by others but aware.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Jumping Guy

At the Precipice

Here we find a guy who has reached the top. Discontented, he leaps with great effort to reach higher. Guy are not afraid of falling for Guy are sure footed. This guy has conquered the small peak; look forward to the greater challenge.

A final thought: Snow may fall, water may freeze, do not be trapped beneath.

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Sequoia Guy

Guy and Tree

Here we find the apex of different lifestyles. One short and sweet, the other long and constant.

Both have an opinion, a way to live. Guy choose which is best.

A final thought: What 'ere the surface presents, meaning exists below.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Elven Guy

Inebriated Guy

Here we find a guy sporting some shamrock suspenders and short red shorts. It takes a free spirited guy to undertake such a unique costume.

A final thought: All Guy are unique.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Pruning Guy

Among the Leaves

Again, we find nature's trustee: Guy (see Gardening Guy). This guy attempts to improve the livelihood of a single tree, not with drastic measures but with delicate nudges in order to supplement natural processes. Active involvement is necessary to augment a tree's bounty, however, do not be overbearing. Trees have existed far longer than people for a reason; they've ascertained how to be fruitful and reproduced through the truest of experience, the intimacy of first-hand.

A final thought: Guy are like tree. With growth come opportunities to wisen.

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Perturbed Guy


Here we find guy directly transferring essence. The background guy is mystified by a strange technique. Taken aback by misunderstanding reveals the difficulty in adaptation, even for true Guy.

A final thought: When introduced remain skeptical until true motive is revealed.

Drumming Guy II

Stone Face

Here we find two similar guy. These Guy are very much in sync. Playing, marching, and holding the same, stern expression display considerable amount of dedication towards mastering their identical drumming identity.

Only the discord in facial hair separate these two. This significant difference symbolizes the ability to hurdle ideological obstacles and exist in rhythm with contrasting Guy.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Majestic Guy

Promontory Rock

Here we find a guy surveying the vast waters. This guy, shrouded by a full mane, seeks out new opportunities and challenges. This guy knows inactivity breeds complacency and addresses inaction head on. (Click to see his endeavors)

A final thought: The seas are turbulent. Remember Guy, how he smoothly navigates.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Ancient Guy II

Within the Artifact

Here we find a guy sitting, awestruck. Perhaps he envisions this historic room enlivened by guy past. By directly experiencing their domicile he attempts to assimilate their past.

Let's get back to the real subject. His beard is reminiscent of our bard's with the addition of full, luscious sideburns. The bouncy locks atop his poll are wonderfully complementary to the entire ensemble. This is a well cured guy.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Characteristic Guy

Festival II

Here we find a characteristic guy. He's sensed a picture being taken and adopted the characteristic disdainful look. Both the 'stache with shadowed goatee in the foreground, and full beard in back entrenche the motif into these Guy face.

Please note the defining solid colors in apparel which define each guy's demeanor. The affront towards the optics bring these Guy straight to attention.

A final though: Be a distinct Guy.

Statue Guy


Here we find a guy imitating art with great likeness. Or is art imitating guy? Both are true. This statue's conception was spurred by an artist's acquaintance. It may have been a shop keeper or a policeman or a dad or a cab driver but it was placed in the artist's mind's eye from without.

The ripples of action are felt throughout time and space. Guy are a continuous wave with level crests and troughs. This continuation carries individual guy along, taking hold at opportune moments to establish a guy's path. Guy may choose to be carried along; Guy may quest for the wave; either is the way of Guy.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Running Guy

Race to the Finish

Here we find a group of Guy. They run. Sacrifices must be made to pursue your passion. Notice the bare faces. A mustache was sacrificed for aerodynamics. Note the look of grim determination.

In the face of adversity and struggle guy push themselves. An inner drive possess guy.

A final thought: There may be a best guy, yet he compares not himself to you.

Conspiring Guy


Here we find a guy with a plan. His pipe and upturned mustache introduce us to a new, meticulous guy. His steepled fingers suggest great forethought and confidence. His condescending look defines surety of self.

It may be staged, but guy like this exist. Not all guy are fun-loving (quite the contrary to the subject's actual demeanor) and carefree. Some guy are deliberate, measured, and tactful. Other guy must help see the plan through.

Contesting Guy

Feat of Strength

Here we find two guy locked in mortal combat. A match of this gravity is sure to draw spectators. The façade of determination and desperation are potent reminders of the situation's levity. This is also seen in the disappointed look from the background guy. She recognizes the need for these guy to improve. A good humored, friendly match betwixt guy is an opportunity to develop and hone abilities.

A final thought: Fire burns hot, fast. Snow falls coolly, slowly. In balance, both exist.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Skeptical Guy

Indoor Hat

Here we find a guy sporting a utilitarian hat. He uses it indoors, therefore unveiling its new, aesthetic purpose. Like a hat, guy are two-faceted.

Two Guy II

Funny Hats.

Here we find our favorite contradictory guy (see Two Guy). One has a tiny hat, one's hat is too big. The full beard compared to clean shaven. Bright colors against mute plaid. Disdain compared to delight.

These different guy coexist.

Sitting Guy

In Repose

Here we find a guy basking in his originality. Confident enough to pair dark slacks and shoes with blairingly white socks and brash enough to display them, this guy distinguishes himself.

After a day of new experiences it's good for any guy to ruminate. Like a smoothie, one can easily discern between ingredients until they are thoroughly mixed. At that point, it takes a skilled pallet to understand what compilation of fruits and vegetables compose the final entity.

A final thought: A picky eater is a poor judge of character.

Natural Guy

Return of the Self-Portrait

Here we find a guy reveling in the solitude of the natural world. Historically known as a walkabout (wiki), a guy needs time for reflection and introspection to develop. Although Guy are the amalgamation of all, each guy remains independent. Each guy compounds many influences to construct their ideal and, in turn, many guy facilitate this revelation.

This guy utilizes today's technology to share his experience with others. While remaining in solidarity with the internal guy, he can share his exciting discoveries for others to enjoy.

Colorful Guy

Paint Party

Here we find a guy showing his true colors. Those seem to be red, blue, and green. He is excited, freely expressing his innermost guy. He is joyful, finding similar and different colors among guy. He is enlightened, mingling and creating new, diverse colors.

A final thought: Be content with a wispy 'stache. 100% chance of growth.

Medieval Guy

Guy and Strings

Here we find a past guy. We see similar characteristics in present guy, comparatively. The look of disdain facing the painter, the unconnected goatee, the tasteful accessories all display a well-rounded guy. He can read, write, sing, play, drink, smoke, and sport multi-colored feathers.

Today, many Guy take these for granted. This guy dedicated his life to a few noble pursuits including several hours simply saving his likeness for posterity, where today's guy spends but a moment to take a self-portrait. Appreciate the work each guy undergoes to put forth his best.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Rockin' Guy

Festival Guy

Here we find classic mustachioed guy with hat. Thumb and pinkie extended confirms that guy rocks. Set amongst many Guy, he joins a greater entity of similarly minded.

In festival situations each guy contributes to the vibe. This is a palpable and unmistakable experience attained through any catalyst where 'ere two guy are present.

A final thought: I are Guy; It are Guy; Guy are you.

Guy Abroad

Cultural Guy

Here we find a guy broadening his horizon by experiencing a unique culture apart from his own. He'd regale you with numerous stories regarding culture shock and new revelations, for both himself and his hosts. As you can see, a guy adjusts well to new situations.

A final thought: Be wary; learn to recognize Guy, for Guy come in all shapes and sizes.

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Don't forget to subscribe to The Word of Guy by E-mail.

A final thought: I are Guy; It are Guy; Guy are you.

Inquisitive Guy


Here we find a guy questioning existence. Where is his place? What are guy?

With the obscure uni-brow and clean shaven face he asks. Previously, a clean cut guy represented surety of self. Now, I'm no longer sure.

Recuperating Guy

Guy in Repose

Here we find a guy taking an IV. There are many precautions to take. Mights' well take 'em all. With measles, mumps, and rubella floating around Guy can never be too careful.

A guy needs time to restore his ''stache. You see he's missing the patch. 

A final thought: You may shave. 100% chance of growth.

Feasting Guy

Culinary Masterpiece

Here we find a guy reaping the rewards. Visualize with me every step required in creating that dish. From Monsanto selling the seeds to a farmer planting them to an immigrant picking them to a sous chef doing all the work to a master chef plating it.

Many guy contribute to the final product. If all knowingly contribute, so much the better. When Guy know their purpose, more is accomplished. More is accomplished enthusiastically and with purpose.

A final thought: Let each contribute.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Revenant Guy


Here we find a guy taking in the land. A silent moment is had enjoying the splendor unfolding before his eyes. Like Simba, this is his inheritance.

It ways heavily upon the shoulders knowing this are Guy responsibility. Atlas reborn he stands sturdy, unwavering.

Gardening Guy

Utilizing Shears

Here we find a guy tending a garden. It takes great diligence to cultivate greens. All energy expended is returned tenfold. All guy should garden, it is a visceral experience working with guy hands.

A final thought: Do not rush potatoes for their fruit is hidden.

Incognito Guy

Shades On

Here is a guy you may recognize as the first introduced. Although obscured, the face is recognizable by the voluptuous 'stache and shadow patch.

At times a guy needs be inconspicuous. Perhaps being guy is not accepted by the local populace. Although guy are great not all are ready.

Mixin' Guy

Studio Guy

Here we find a guy doing exactly what he wants. In the booth there's never been a guy more comfortable, relaxed, and in control.

Again we see a newer evolution in the clean cut and shave. Mayhaps it's representative of his demeanor. Mayhaps it's personal preference.

Nautical Guy

I'm On a Boat

Here we find an interesting guy on a boat with the characteristic look of disgust facing a camera. We have yet to see this clean cut mohawk. A trim like that compels his chivalrous action of deflecting the paparazzi.

This guy has a sense of duty extended to all guy. 

Strummin' Guy

Bluegrass Guy

Here we find two guy in harmony. Channeling their inner Bela Fleck creating a perfect synthesis of guitar and banjo. At this point they have reached a higher plane; the connection of two guy.

To add; we find, again, the juxtaposition of two unique styles. Not just of the instruments, but each guy's visage.

We have the classic 'stache hat combo, and an underrepresented clean shaven face.

Photo credit: Ms VanDemark

Gangsta Guy

Did You Just Bump Me?

Here we find a guy showing out. He's evoking the spirit of Tetraodontidae (Wiki). Each moment in the wilderness instincts must be sharp, muscles taught, and eyes keen.

But let's get back to the real content. This guy knows how to present a mustache. The neutral color of pants and shirt avoid your attention while the primary colors in hat and pack straps bring it above the shoulders to neatly frame the 'stache. Here's the true reason for his wariness. Facial hair of that caliber breeds jealousy.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Shy Guy


Here is a hidden guy. You may not believe me but he is there. I don't know what impels a guy to hide away in a closet, but I trust he has good reasons.

Here is a guy emerging from the closet, seemingly fearful of the camera. What has he done in that closet? Please, keep me in the dark.

Photo credit: Ms Vademark

Sitting Guy

Intelligent Guy

Here is a guy who knows what to do and has the beard to prove it. He is helping create robotic guy, specifically learning them to speak. He is building on a vast amount of guys' research.

There are needs for all Guy types. As animals have specialized to fit their niche so should Guy.

Working Guy


Here are guys doing work. Some call this a necessary evil. Guy calls it work. Even in the drastic conditions of a frozen wasteland a guy diligently works.

Every accomplishment is an incentive to continue. Completion is reward enough. If the task seems insurmountable, ask another guy, he will lend aid.

A final thought: Where there's one there's two and two are greater.

Content Guy

He's Smiling

This is a new look for a guy. Smiling in the face of a camera. He is a very well adjusted guy. This guy has a great attitude. This guy has great fun.

Where does his ambition to be a guy come from? Perhaps he is a fully integrated guy. He's realized the guydeal.

He saw another first. Perhaps it was his dad. Perhaps it was your dad. Guy's lead by example. Today, show another what it means to Guy

Ancient Guy

Past Guys

Here we find a guy enjoying the phallic art of guys past. (Please take note: Although the mustache is the quintessential facial hair of a guy, it is not a requirement.) Absorbing history's lessons is an easy path to being a better guy. I guarantee anything you can to do has been done, or attempted unsuccessfully.

e.g, before you are about to jump 14 buses in a plastic Barbie car, check YouTube and see if the last guy failed. There is no reason to risk extinction or redundantly repeat failure. If the last attempt was successful, or you are certain there's more to be done, you have an obligation.

You must push the limit. Collaborate; with those who failed in the past, even those who successfully jumped only 1 bus or 2. A guy cannot build a wall with a single brick. A guy cannot reach the pinnacle of achievement without other guys. But when you do reach the summit do as guys past have done: Put a giant dick at the top.

Rejoicing Guy

With Arms Wide Open

Here we find a guy reveling in the splendor of nature. Barefoot and hatted he is emulating the wildguy Huckleberry Finn and his free spirit. Appreciation of the Earth is a key aspect of a guy because the Earth are Guy. Although it is just a very tiny guy compared to others, it remains the foundation for all guys I know. And it is a great one. It smells good, it tastes good, it's warm, it's cold, you can swim in it, you can jump off it, you can put holes in it and it doesn't seem to mind. 

This versatility and adaptability are great examples for all guy. To have an asteroid come along and beat the shit out of you would, for most, be difficult to handle, however, the Earth takes it in stride, creates a new lake, and continues to mosey around the Sun.

Ascended Guys

At the Very Top

Here are some guys at the summit. Have they reached the top? Where can they go now? This installation appears to be an allusion to Jacob's Ladder, or stairway to heaven (Jacob's Ladder wiki).

It is a guy's quest to climb this ladder. Be cautious, for it is precarious; be wary, it is dark around the bend; be diligent, continue to pursuit the unknown; be sturdy, guy are foundation upon which others ascend.

Don't Forget!

Share these guys with your friends and be a cool guy. Be the first to subscribe by e-mail and be the coolest guy. Send your pictures to Caleb if you want to be a guy. Don't be afraid to share your ideas in the comments.

Contemplative Guy

Pondering the Universe

Here is a guy deep in thought. Here is a guy with a 'stache and a patch. He has already set himself apart with that bold statement. Here is the question: What might he be thinking? Here is the answer: No guy knows. 

An integral part of being guy is facilitating conversation. Each guy is a neuron. Each is isolated and separated by a great void. A guy treks across the void and becomes a synapse, a facilitator for the exchange of ideas. I will reiterate that these shared experiences build the foundation for all guys (A New Guy). As long as each experience is shared, it cannot be lost. Once shared it is sewn into the very sinews of a guy.

Two Guy

Immovable Objects

Here are a couple guys who could not be more different. One reveling in the aggressive vibes, another's loathing the positive. Yet they are both sporting red. How can two guys such as this find common ground? Easily: They are both guys.

It is important to point out the can of hipster juice (Pabst) in the right guy's hand. We can safely assume both parties are under the influence. I only hope both are aware of this as well. Inebriation often results to jumping to conclusions, denial of accepted truths, and the disregard of counter arguments. Although it can be used to release your inhibitions and become a more sociable guy, be wary; all tools can be misused and cause harm.

One final thought: A steadfast, immovable body exists not into eternity but is erased by one with greater fluidity.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Be a Guy

If you would like to be featured as a Guy send a picture to my editor Caleb at

Percussive Guy

Guy Playing Drums

This is a guy playing drums.
It looks like he's having fun.
This is a guy rocking real hard.
Back in the day they called him a bard.

Carry That Weight

Shoulder Ride

Here is a guy giving a piggyback ride. It appears he's having a hard time but I believe he's having a great one. There are good reasons these two are enjoying themselves.

For the beast of burden
  • Strong enough to carry that weight
  • Knowledge that he eases another's burden
For the rider
  • Ability to trust her mount
  • More energy for other endeavors
These advantages are the result of having guys around you. Every guy has a unique strength that all can utilize. This allows specialization which is advantageous to any Guy.

Boating Guy

Guys Cruising

Here we find guys cruising. The familiar disgusted look and outdoors motif. Here we find a guy looking in a different direction from his peers. Sometimes perspectives are not parallel but perpendicular. Be sure to entertain each one. It is an intersection with no signs; approach cautiously and be aware of others.

Sporting Guy

Guy With a Disc

Here is a guy doing what he loves. He has found an activity that, while playing, he is content. He has not a single care in the world. Perhaps he's found the peace that is Guy.

And what more could you want?

Merry Guy

The Merry Guy

Here's a few guys. With a dashing green sweater and classic khakis one smiles gaily. Framed by two guys in lovely red sweaters creates an inverted rose between two thorns. It is a great juxtaposition of styles, each with unique variations.

But let's get down to the real content.

The middle guy is making a very strong statement with his facial hair. A classic mustache with a twist. The soul patch. Merriam Webster's dictionary definition: a small growth of beard under a man's lower lip. A soul patch defines the ensemble. Right there is a unique Guy.

A New Guy

Here is a new Guy. Same as the old Guy.

You can discern several similarities from one guy to the next. The mustache, the look of disgusted surprise as his picture is taken, the beer, the outdoors. Characteristic Guy. Here is a guy who has recently moved and acclimated himself to a warmer environment. When one leaves a temporary void is felt because each guy is distinct. However, this void is simply filled by the amalgamation of others. Though he may be missed it's not for long.

The Guy is an idea that each should strive towards. It cannot be achieved alone but must be shaped by shared experiences.
This is the greatest strength: Fellow Guy