The next time The Guy chose to begin Thugz' day with a candid selfie he revolutionized the entire selfie phenomenon and restored my faith in humanity. Through mine own eyes I saw hope for a generation in a man who did not care one iota about how others saw him. I do not know if he was the first to do this, but I firmly believe he will not be the last. Remember that uncertain look on his first selfie? Well, he is now surely barging through social barriers. Here is a man who, with no regard to social mores, posted this and firmly shook me awake...(warning: some may consider this a less than tasteful moment I mentioned in the first post, hence the large page break)

Now, in case the picture's blurriness obscures it at all, I will provide some explanation. Yes, that is the same astounding mustache as the first selfie. Yes, those are black with white polka dots underwear. And yes, that is The Guy not giving a single shit about his routine morning bowel movement. I know of people who have "public pooping anxiety" and have difficulty excreting in a public restroom but This Guy went
out of his way to share this moment of his private life with his good friends. Upon first seeing this, I burst out laughing because I did not know how to react, never even imagining I would find myself in this situation. But after further consideration and the suppression of all my doubts in him, I found just as many questions about today's society being raised by this, no doubt, controversial selfie.
When did defecation become a private event?
Why is there such stigma put on passing gas in the public sphere when, at least in my closest circle of family and friends and when seen on television or a viral video, it can be hilarious?
Why do men feel pressured to forgo that natural pressure in order to maintain a casual or even serious relationship with the opposite sex?
These are only a few questions that have been raised by this man's selfless act. In this blog and hopefully with your help, I aim to contemplate humanity.
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