Design by Katarina VanDemark

Design by Katarina VanDemark
The Eyes of Guy

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Ancient Guy

Past Guys

Here we find a guy enjoying the phallic art of guys past. (Please take note: Although the mustache is the quintessential facial hair of a guy, it is not a requirement.) Absorbing history's lessons is an easy path to being a better guy. I guarantee anything you can to do has been done, or attempted unsuccessfully.

e.g, before you are about to jump 14 buses in a plastic Barbie car, check YouTube and see if the last guy failed. There is no reason to risk extinction or redundantly repeat failure. If the last attempt was successful, or you are certain there's more to be done, you have an obligation.

You must push the limit. Collaborate; with those who failed in the past, even those who successfully jumped only 1 bus or 2. A guy cannot build a wall with a single brick. A guy cannot reach the pinnacle of achievement without other guys. But when you do reach the summit do as guys past have done: Put a giant dick at the top.

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