Design by Katarina VanDemark

Design by Katarina VanDemark
The Eyes of Guy

Sunday, March 22, 2015

An Unbiased Look at the "Sexy, Inviting Selfie"

I think I need to return to the real core content of this blog. Here is the original Guy:

To me, this picture speaks volumes about sending seductive images through the airwaves. First, they are interpreted by the receiver. In this case, everyone subscribing to the Thugz Facebook chat group. Sure, he is a ravishingly hairy man, and few women can resist his seduction, but the group that was graced with this titillating photo had mostly male viewers with only two female observers, both of whom are strictly platonic friends and also currently in relationships. This photo seems to be out of place, however, the Guy does not see social boundaries as common folk, such as we do. I believe he has transcended us and views the entire world as art.

This piece is like a contemporary Baroque era nude, "Hector" by Jacques-Louis David (1748-1825). The parallels are poignant.

Unfortunately, for this artistic revelation, the world is not prepared. If this was posted to Instagram or photo sharing sites it would be flagged as pornographic and our poor Guy would be ostracized from the social spheres of the interwebs. Let us redefine a picture taken by the subject for what they really are: Self-Portraits

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