Design by Katarina VanDemark

Design by Katarina VanDemark
The Eyes of Guy

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Taking a New Direction

I have begun anew. Worry not if you were looking forward to further details of The Guy's foray into social media, for more shall come later, but I have been persuaded to expand the scope of this here blog. The greater purpose is now to provide you with the Thugz (the aforementioned name of the Facebook chat my friends and I use) outlook on life. This, I have recently become aware, is an entirely different interpretation of life than most. I have also found that I enjoy taking part in that outlook rather than any other, especially any that seem prevalent in today's society. Today, I will be bringing you the interpretation of this Guy. Here is some of his early work to watch, if it pleases you.

To provide some context:
The International Baccalaureate Program was met with some resistance from the student populace. This Guy was brave enough to voice his opinion through writing, directing, and filming this farce. He and most of the other performers in this video took part in this program.

I too took part in this program and, looking back, why did I resist as well? It actually helped prepare me for college, more than I think regents classes would have. The administrators of our high school looked to improve our lives but we did not want it. I believe I realized why This Guy created this video much later, just today, in fact. And it may not have been to simply protest against the man.

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